Saturday, 17 January 2015

10 Nigerians thrown overboard Spain boat by Cameroonians for prayin

Spanish Police has arrested two Cameroonian migrants on an allegation that they threw out 10 Nigerian christians who were migrating to Spain overboard for praying.
The Cameroonians reportedly threw overboard a Nigerian pastor and others who had joined him to pray when the
travellers who were voyaging in a boat experienced bad weather mid-sea, blaming them for the worsening weather conditions.
Some survivors as reported by Sky News revealed that after hitting bad weather, a Nigerian pastor who was among the 50 sub-Saharan African migrants making the journey in an inflatable boat, began to pray that they would not sink and some of his fellow Nigerian migrants joined him in the prayer. The Cameroonian men on seeing them accused the pastor of causing the stormy weather and then pushed him and the others praying overboard.
When the survivors arrived in Spain, their fear of the two Cameroonians aroused the suspicions of the
Spanish officials.
A statement from the Spanish police has it that, the detainees blamed the bad weather on the Nigerians who
were praying and used the boards that covered the bottom of the boat to assault and throw overboard the pastor and the other Nigerian passengers.


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