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Saturday, 3 January 2015

"Chibok girls will return in 2015" - Pastor Tunde Bakare

Pastor Tunde Bakare, the general overseer of the Latter Rain Assembly has revealed prohecy for the year 2015.
Speaking during the church crossover service into the New Year on Thursday, Pastor Bakare told his congregation thus:
The Chibok girls will be returned this year; some people will say ‘they are just using religion todeceive themselves. How will the girls be rescued?’ You will see. I didn’t say it, it is what God said and I believe it.”
Whether you are from the East or from the West or from the North or the South, you will experience joy in 2015. Other nations will say ‘how did they do it.’ It will be indescribable joy. The nations of the earth will testify. I bring good tidings of joy to every part of the nation but I am not going to deceive you, we are going to go through some shakings. 
“Let us not desecrate ourselves, saying this one is Ngbati-ngbati or that one is Aboki and things like that. These are terrible things. Some people will say ‘if you see a snake on one side and a Fulani man on another, first kill the Fulani. There is also a terrible joke some people tell about the Igbos.”
And i say Amen to this!!