Friday, 9 January 2015

Police officer drives £170,000 Ferrari to work in Birmingham

A man who made a modest living as a police officer aroused suspicion when he turned up to work in a £170,000 Ferrari.
Rightly so, it turned out, because he was the leader of an organised crime gang peddling drugs, helping to run a brothel and laundering money.
Osman Iqbal was jailed for seven years and is now facing three new charges of misconduct in a public office.
He was back in court today where he faced three new charges of misconduct in a public office.
Iqbal, of Ward End, Birmingham, pleaded guilty and admitted making unauthorised attempts to access police intelligence systems while serving with West Midlands police.
He was remanded in custody to be sentenced later at Warwick Crown Court in Leamington Spa and has been by West Midland Police after disciplinary proceedings.

A court last September heard how Iqbal was caught when the Serious and Organised Crime Unit linked him with convicted armed robber Talib Hussain, 33.
He had access to a fleet of flashy vehicles and both men and the cars were connected to to two fake businesses – City Chauffeurs Ltd and Capital Event Management.
The bank accounts of the companies were being used by the pair to launder hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Police discovered the money was coming from chip and PIN machines in Covent Garden and Marylebone in London.
Two properties were put under surveillance in a joint operation with the Metropolitan Police and they were identified as brothels.
Iqbal and Hussain and their associates were getting clients picked up from strip bars where they would be offered drugs and women and driven back to one of the brothels.
Once there they were overcharged on their bank cards but failed to report the crimes because of the shame of how they were scammed.
Chief Inspector Martin Brennan, from West Midlands Police’s Serious and Organised Crime Unit, said the cars and greed gave the men away.
He said: ‘This was a highly-organised and well-orchestrated criminal network but what makes it particularly reprehensible is that fact a serving police officer was at the centre of it all.
‘Iqbal and his associates generated their income by running ‘exclusive’ brothels and peddling Class A drugs.
‘For them, it was all about the money and the fast cars and they didn’t care who they were exploiting and what laws they were breaking in the process.
‘Their greed was their downfall and when they were seen driving around in their supercars it didn’t take us long to piece together exactly what they were up to and take action.
‘We constantly target networks like this and it doesn’t matter who’s involved, we will seek to use the full weight of the law against them.’


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