
Zenith Bank

Saturday 28 February 2015

OMG: Calvin Klein Claiming "they Never Said the 'PEARLS' on Lupita's Dress were Real??

Lupita Nyong's stolen Oscar dress which was reportedly worth between $150,000 and $10million appears to be all smoke and mirrors.
TMZ broke the story earlier that the thief called Friday afternoon and said he took 2 of the pearls down to the Garment District in L.A. and learned they were fake. That's when he returned the dress to the hotel.
TMZ is claiming Law enforcement telling them 'Calvin Klein's people never told them if the pearls were real or fake'  We're told the only person who represented the pearls as real and valued the dress at $150K was Lupita's stylist.
A source directly connected with the Women's Creative Director of Calvin Klein, Francisco Costa, put it this way to TMZ, "Did anyone ever say they were real from Calvin Klein? I always assumed everyone knew they were fake, but I guess not."

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