
Zenith Bank

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Air Traffic Controllers Threaten Strike Over State Of Navigation Equipment

Members of the Nigerian Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) are planing to embark on strike tomorrow to protest the failures of some navigation equipment within the Nigeria’s airspace.

According to a statement signed and issued by the President and General Secretary, Victor Egaru and Olawode Banji, respectively, the collapse of navigation equipment like the CNS/ATM in the last two months is disheartening as it has increased the workload of both ATCs and Pilots.

“Presently, the Instrument Landing System (ILS) serving the Lagos Runway 18R has been unserviceable for close to three months while the one serving the Second Runway (18L) has been epileptic for more than one month.

“The distance measuring equipment located with the Very High Omnidirectional Radio Range (VOR) in Lagos has been out of service for a long time as well. Equipment in many airports including communication facilities suffer that same fate,” the statement read in part.

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