
Zenith Bank

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Buhari’s statements in 2011 fueled Boko Haram insurgency – Agoro

Dr. Olapade Agoro, is a former presidential candidate and founder of National Action Council (NAC). In this interview with SENIOR CORESPONDENT, TEMIDAYO AKINSUYI, he speaks on the rescheduled election, use of military for elections , use of card readers and other issues. Excerpts:
What is the implication of the election postponement to Nigeria? Can you really say if it has done us more harm than good, political and economic- wise?

Obviously because the language of a fool  is in self-delusion, the postponement of the startup date of 2015 election from February 14 to March 28 rather  being seen by many as a goodly blessing by the Almighty God saving Nigeria from being set on fire by children of perfidy was more than necessary politicized on the altar of ego self-serving. Before I was nationalistically and courageously compelled to go on the air on Thursday the 5th  February 2015 in Abuja to alert the nation that “INEC was not prepared for the election”,  one had carefully studied the situation from within and without only to discover that Professor Attahiru Jega the INEC Chairman was at war with  himself waiting for someone to help and which I promptly did. It is apposite for one to say that as at February 5th 2015,  INEC was only about 40 percent  ready to go ahead with the election. Unknown to so many people, two of INEC highly placed staffers put calls to me on my GSM phon few hours after NTA  aired my views to thank me for rising up to save the situation.  It becomes pertinent for one to say that the seeming unpreparedness and or lacking semblance of seriousness on the part of INEC led by Jega was a deliberate intention to cause chaos in the polity that would have justified him being allowed a prolonged stay in office beyond his current term.

How will you rate INEC in terms of their level of preparedness for the election, especially given the distribution of Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs)?

The Permanent Voter’s Card although a novel idea  in the annals of electioneering management in Nigeria must be seen as a  not well managed affair by INEC. It calls for question why INEC that had almost four years to prepare from 2011 last general elections had to be seen even as at date still scampering here and there  testing card readers  and or distributing Permanent Voters Card with no end yet in sight. The most worrisome of the hell let loose situation would be found for example,  Borno State which at war recording 93 % success rate of PVC distribution leaving Lagos State at peace within and without far behind with 45 % distribution success rate. The  situation becomes untenable and  unacceptable unless someone somewhere is deceiving somebody somehow.

Do you think card readers should be used?

Contrary to the opinion expressed so far by some people on the need for or not for card readers to be used  to prove the authentication of the PVCs issued  by INEC, one is of the strong opinion that INEC should be given free hand to run the election the best way it feels.

March 28 is fast approaching and there are fears the election may be shifted again. What is your take on that?

Although I will not like to be seen associated with those calling for the further shift of the election date than March 28, one is however of the strong opinion that since what is worth doing at all, is worth doing well, if a compelling necessity suggests otherwise why not and if not? Nigeria, whether one like to face the truth or not,  is at war and it behooves for one to say that no nation at war holds elections with intention to change leadership.  Not even Great Britain dare changed Lord Winston Churchill,  the British Prime Minister during the second World war.  Moreso,  the current  bloody war being waged by those animals in human skin,  Boko Haram insurgents against President Goodluck Jonathan-led government was notably fueled on by Major General Muhammadu Buhari  unsavoury and inhuman pronouncement made  immediately after the 2011 elections that “he was going to make governance impossible for Jonathan”. Irrespective of how one may like to see it, some disgruntled elements of Muhammadu Buhari extraction opposed to Jonathan presidency have indeed added highly inflammable fuel of hate to Buhari’s ungodly incitement and that has made governance almost impossible since 2011.
From the look of things, are you optimistic that this election will hold?

With the recent pronouncement by an Abuja based Federal High Court giving order to INEC to put the name of “Young Democratic Party” on the ballot, one is of serious doubt the election will hold as scheduled without infringing on the Court order. It must however be noted that the Court Order came damagingly too  late in the hour, yet  for  political necessity of Rule of law guiding a democratic process, one cannot see the election holding without infringing on the court order made.

Given the situation in Ekiti election as revealed in the leaked audio tape, What is your position on the argument on use of military during election?

On the issue of use of the military during elections, care must be taken for us all to be seen observing a recent court’s pronouncement authorizing it and which ruling up till date stands and has  not been appealed. This not withstanding what was said to have happened in Ekiti State during which election Mr. Ayo Fayose was  elected the State governor. Irrespective of how bad a court order made is seen and perceived, it must be obeyed until it is  set aside.

If the truth must be said and stoically stood by, INEC led by Prof. Attahiru Jega is a malodorous court order disobeyers particularly of note disobeying the court order made against it on its unlawful deregistration of political parties. But for the love of the country one could have gone back to court asking for another order stopping the forthcoming elections to be put on hold until order made against INEC is seen obeyed.

What is the position of the National Action Council as regards the forthcoming election? Why are you not fielding candidates?

National Action Council as currently constituted does not fall under the hammer of INEC deregistration,  bearing in mind that it has a subsisting suit No: CA/L/621/2011 AGORO VS INEC pending before the Court of Appeal Lagos. Until that case is disposed off in a possible pronouncement against it, under the rule of law National Action Council stands an existing political party in Nigeria. The recent court order directing INEC to put the name of Young Democratic Party on the ballot may be an eye opener for me to explore asking for an order of court to put the forthcoming elections on hold until NAC is also put on the ballot. After all elections are about the rule of law. It will be in my best interest and that of my party , National Action  Council to actively participate in the forthcoming elections like other political parties fielding credible candidates far better than those now in parade by some of the political parties.  What Jega’s led INEC has

failed to explain to the  world  why disallow some parties who are known to oppose his draconian rules free play in the polity on the basis of those parties having not won any seat or having representation at any of the States, Federal level and at the same time allowing too many others new or old with not even the least voice in the polity presence on the ballot?. This will no doubt explain the fact that INEC led by Attahiru Jega is a one armed bandit that must not be trusted now by anyone in a game of fair play.

There are rumours that your party might merge with the PDP. How true is that?              
I have stated it so many a times that there is no way  National Action Council (NAC) a vehicle of destiny destined by the Almighty God for value upholding will ever merge with PDP or any other party. We are waiting our time which hopefully is soon coming around the corner.


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