Sunday, 1 May 2016

Did These Men Drink #600 Billion Beer in 1year? Lolx!!

A social media user is seeking answers to who drank over N600Billion Naira alcohol when our religion forbids it.

As Seen On instagram, please read below:
Nigerian Breweries recorded sales of almost N300 billion in 2015, while Guinness is expected to record sales of N275 billion totaling almost N600 billion (About $3 billion) which is about 3% of our GDP. 
Assuming a consumption rate of about 20 bottles per person per year; that means about 3 billion bottles of beer were drank! But the irony of it all, is that an average Nigerian is either a Christian or a Muslim. 
Both religions enjoin adherents to avoid alcoholic beverages. 

So, who drank N600 billion worth of alcohol in one year when these people are supposed to be born agains?? Lolxxx!!!

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