Tuesday, 24 May 2016

“God Packaged You, Mailed You To Me And The Doorbell Went “ding dong” - Kiss99.9fm Abuja OAP Goshes About His Wife

On Air Personality with Kiss 99.9fm Abuja, Bunmi Afolabi a while ago took to his facebook page to gosh about his beautiful wife, Wendy. Bunmi said it's neither their  anniversary nor her birthday but you know that feeling when you have so much inside for that special some and just need to vent a bit. You know that feeling now right,  Lolxx!!
Bunmi penned down this lovely note to his lovely wife.

 Find his post below;
This one is to the GREATEST GIFT God has given to me after salvation.
I know for sure it can be very tough being in a relationship with me, let alone, being married to me, but you’ve been able to manage me and any inconsistency that comes with me.
I try to sacrifice as much as I can for you, but you just have a clever and subtle way of beating me to it 7 out of every 10times.
I couldn’t have asked God for anyone better really, because even the virtues I do not remember praying about; God put them in you, packaged you, mailed you to me and the doorbell went “ding dong”.
I do not even think of the heat of the roof of the house (paraphrasing from the book of Proverbs) because the word “contentious” does not come anywhere near whenever I think of you. Someone said “Bunmi you’re getting fatter”… I wish it was as a result of eating a lot but on the contrary, I have now concluded that it’s because you’ve given me so much peace that even in the storm, I have no excuse to panic. Whao!
Sometimes, I ask myself what good have I done to deserve you, but I remember again that God is good beyond what any of us can describe. Hence, as a show of the magnanimity of his heart; he gave WENDY to BUNMI.

Thank you for being my best friend, companion, cheer leader, Mother, Wife, soul mate, bedmate, pillow (clears throat) and so much more that words will fail me to say.
Like I fondly say… You are stuck with me FOR LIFE and we shall grow old together.
Thank you for being mine.

Of course, like you and I know, it is not either of our birthdays, nor is it our anniversary, but I just thought to celebrate you publicly for being my Wife.
I love you Darling. ‪#‎MyWomanCrushForever ‪#‎HBIC ‪#‎GodTried


  1. Awwwwww so swit!

  2. awwwwwwww, absolutely sweet! We love men that show off and celebrate their wives!
