Thursday, 12 May 2016

Photos: ISIS Militants Beheads16 Christians For Refusing To Convert To Islam In Libya

Islamic State ISIS have released a horrifying 29-minute clip showing mass execution of those they refer to as followers of the cross (Christians).
ISIS claim the men did not pay a compulsory religious tax and were left with one option - to convert.
In the video, the jihadis separate the Christians into two groups on a beach in Libya. Ethiopian Christians can be seen dressed in orange jumpsuits with dozens of masked ISIS terrorists standing right behind them.
In a horrifying scenes, one group is then shot while the other beheaded.
The terrorists describe the men as "followers of the cross from the enemy Ethiopian Church".

The slickly-edited video then shows scenes of cities under the control of ISIS including Ninevah and Mosul in Iraq
The footage which has long been taken down shows churches in both cities being blown up as ISIS continues to destroy scores of religious buildings.
A group of Coptic Christians were also murdered on a beach in Libya in February.
ISIS has forced hundreds of thousands of Christians to flee from their homes in Iraq, Libya and Syria.

A 'watch list' compiled by Christian charity Open Doors says Libya, Iraq and Syria are some of the most dangerous places in the world for Christians today as population of Christians has been decimated from around two million in 2013 to less than 200,000 today. 
Concerns have been raised that Christianity could be wiped out in the Middle East as those who remain face abduction, torture and execution if they refuse to convert. 

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