Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Photos:President Obama's Speaks To Graduates At The Historic Black Howard University in Washington

United States President Barack Obama on Saturday received an honorary Doctor of Science degree at Howard University’s 148th graduation commencement.
Renowned actress, Cicely Tyson, also left Howard students with an encouraging word about leadership before students were sent out to change the world.

The US president also shared some advice while delivering his commencement speech which left the day memorable for the students
Below are some:
 1. Obama calls out the Howard Dorms: Howard students love to #Represent and when they’re not defending the best HBCU, they’re showing pride for their home dorms. Not only did Barack Obama know the H-U chant (“You Know!”), he knew about the dorms and the student pride that went with each, even saying R.I.P to the now-closed (party) dorm, Meridian.
2. Obama calls out a Howard Student:
“There’s a young woman named Ciearra Jefferson, who’s graduating with you. And I’m just going to use her as an example. I hope you don’t mind, Ciearra. Ciearra grew up in Detroit and was raised by a poor single mom who worked seven days a week in an auto plant. And for a time, her family found themselves without a place to call home. They bounced around between friends and family who might take them in. By her senior year, Ciearra was up at 5:00 am every day, juggling homework, extracurricular activities, volunteering, all while taking care of her little sister. But she knew that education was her ticket to a better life. So she never gave up. Pushed herself to excel. This daughter of a single mom who works on the assembly line turned down a full scholarship to Harvard to come to Howard.“
Obama addressing the class of 2016 but speaking broadly to African-American youths who have fueled a new civil rights protest movement during his presidency, Mr. Obama urged them to adopt a more disciplined form of activism that goes beyond indignant rhetoric and uncompromising demands.

“Change requires more than righteous anger. It requires a program and it requires organizing,” “Passion is vital, but you have got to have a strategy.”

That strategy, Mr. Obama told the graduates, must include listening to those with whom they disagree and compromising when necessary to achieve their goals. The message appeared to be aimed at Black Lives Matter activists who have expressed frustration and impatience with the slow pace of change by those in power.
“If you think that the only way forward is to be as uncompromising as possible, you will feel good about yourself, you will enjoy a certain moral purity, but you’re not going to get what you want,” the president said, adding that such an approach leads to “a downward spiral of more injustice and more anger and more despair, and that’s never been the source of our progress.”

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