Wednesday, 8 June 2016

22-year-old Student Jailed 15 months For Lying Her Ex Beat And Strangled Her

22-year-old Natasha Uttamsingh, pictured above has been jailed for 15 months after the investigation revealed she tried to bring trouble to her ex boyfriend, Aakash Andrews.

Natasha lied that she’d been beaten and strangled by her ex and even succeeded in convincing a judge to grant a non-molestation order against him.
Miss Uttamsingh had wanted to keep Aakash in her life when their relationship broke down and had threatened to ruin his career.
He broke up with her so she went to police to make the allegations.
However, they discovered a message on her phone that she’d sent to herself from Mr Andrews’ phone saying that he’d raped her.
She also altered medical notes to get police to investigate an attack and changed a contact in her phone to make it appear as though he’d repeatedly tried calling her.
Uttamsingh was jailed for carrying out acts intended to pervert the course of justice and was given a restraining order on her ex-partner for five years.
Prosecutor Tony Prosser said: 
‘The relationship was experiencing problems and Aakash had said that he wanted to end it.
‘When he suggested finishing it she told him she was pregnant. He said he wanted to go away for a few days. She stood in front of him and said she would report him for domestic assault if he were to try to leave her.
‘A call was made to the police, it was reported to come from a Nicola Smith which was the defendant using a false name,’ said the prosecutor.
‘She then made an allegation he had strangled her to the point of unconsciousness and that she was assaulted on a daily basis.
‘The next day she said she had been the subject to rape.’
Sentencing at Guildford Crown Court, Judge Christopher Critchlow, said: ‘You have tried to influence a court by dishonestly altering medical records and tried to bring problems into Aakash Andrews’ life and you have succeeded in doing that.’
Uttamsingh’s mother, who sat at the back of the courtroom throughout her daughter’s sentencing, cried as she was taken away from the dock to begin her sentence.

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