
Zenith Bank

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

You are a Boring lady

When I say BORING, I don't mean how you dress, look or even act in bed but much deeper topic. The fact that some ladies act so damn BORING either offline, online, in a relationship, meeting someone on the first date or during a chat that the dude is left with literally nothing more than to fall asleep, stop chatting or
get up walked out. Many a times, an average boring lady will blame it on mood or because she's not into you.
Even when you very good at making conversations interesting she'll just make you feel ;you not there yet.
Here are a few signs to watch out in such ladies!!

You are a boring lady, 

1. If you are a monosyllabic type that replies with 5n u? Kul u? Yap u? Ya u ? Tnx u? You put very little effort into helping the conversation along

if your idea of a good conversation is extended silence. Let's talk about football, you have nothing to say: talk about movies, you have nothing to say, gist me about your day, you have nothing to say, let's talk about yourself, you can't even give a good description about yourself. The funniest thing is that, even if they are into you, you will still find them boring.

3. If you would have to hold up the conversation with no input 'cos you feel you are only meant to reply. You stop talking 'cos he stops and that is the end of the conversation

4. If your answer to every question is NO.. Any hobby? No ?, Anything new to talk about? No ?, Have you got a gist for me? No.

5. If you are the type a guy calls and drops the call within one minute not because he's not got enough credit but because nothing laughable will ever come out of your mouth

6. If you are more interested in talking about yourself than listening to what the other person has to say

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