
Zenith Bank

Saturday 28 March 2015

Boy Whose's Head is Constantly Growing And Not Going To Stop [photo]

 Hydrocephalus is the medical condition in which there is anabnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain. This causes increased intracranial pressure inside the skull and may cause progressive enlargement of the head if it occurs in childhood, convulsion, tunnel vision, mental and physical disability and that's what this boy is suffering from.
 Unfortunately, treatment to slow the swelling of his head has failed and he must now undergo an operation to drain the fluid from his brain. At the moment Cao’s head measures more than 80cms and he could die anytime unless he has the procedure. His twin brother died when he was three-months-old.

The boy has had to leave hospital twice already because his family could not afford the hospital bills. Speaking through tears, mum Ding Meiling said:
“I’ve been worn out by the treatment but I don’t want to give up. I don’t have any solution now".
I hope people with kind hearts can help my son. Doctors suggested us to arrange the surgery, but we have no money. We are desperately hoping someone could help our son. We’ll save him, no matter the cost.”
One to two of every 1,000 babies are born with hydrocephalus, such children are prone to infection and blockage, which means they may require several operations during their lifetime. In Cao’s case he needs inserting a shunt or plastic tube into the brain ventricle or near to the spinal cord, to divert the flow of fluid.

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