
Zenith Bank

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe To Name Daughter As Successor

Bona Mugabe (left), Robert Mugabe and Wife Grace Mugabe
Earlier this week, photographs showing Bona Mugabe as part of a state delegation (led by her father) that held talks with Japan’s prime minister Shinzo Abe, emerged.
The move is said to have sparked a flurry of criticisms from opposition parties and political analysts. A ZANU-PF spokesman, however, claims that the move was not politically motivated.
Times reports that, news of Mrs. Grace Mugabe’s who was promoted to a senior position within ZANU-PF and fingered as Mugabe’s possible successor has suffered health challenges for a while now, forcing Mugabe (who is sick himself) to turn to his 24-year-old daughter Bona.
This has cause Zimbabwean’s to panic that president Robert Mugabe has plans to turn his dictatorship into a monarchy by getting his daughter to succeed him.

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